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Social Media Cheatsheet: Instagram Posts that Sell for Brands

Brands rely heavily on their content creators to create the perfect Instagram posts. However, at one or the other point in time, content creators have something called the writer’s or designer’s block, where the ideas just don’t come and the pressure of an approaching deadline continues to devour the mind away. For such a situation, we’ve curated a list of Instagram posts ideas that can help brands decide what to post next and help content creators get their creative juices flowing.

Instagram Post Inspiration list 2020

Educational Posts

Educational posts could have a wide range -

  • industry articles
  • answering FAQs
  • ask-me-anything posts
  • how-to-videos
  • award winners in the industry of the brand
  • featuring experts
  • informing about the current trends related to the industry or anything informational relevant to the time-being for example, under COVID-19, almost every brand must have referred to it in their posts, thus somewhere generating awareness towards a global cause.

Unique post Ideas

  • Before and after - Before and after posts are great ways to carve a post in form of testimonials, your own photos for personal branding, or creating a brand image by reflecting humor.
  • Unboxing video - Unboxing videos are a key tool for customer retention and brand awareness. The video while attracting new followers reminds the loyal ones of the feeling they had when anticipating a package and thus compels them to buy again.
  • Friendly “selfie” - Personal branding is important. Sharing the face behind the brand helps followers connect on a personal level.
  • Caption request - Post an interesting picture asking followers to suggest a caption. A trending variation of this is posting a meme version relevant to the brand and then asking the followers to come out with variations.
  • Behind the scenes/Sneak peek - behind the scenes or sneak peeks are amazing ways for brands to show the work that they do and also send a message of transparency. Such posts help build followers’ trust.

Run a Contest or Take part in a Challenge

Take part in a challenge that repeats daily, weekly, or monthly or create a challenge of your own. You could also run a contest or giveaway for your followers or employees on Instagram which helps bring-in engagement. For example, for the 9 days of Navratri, we at Futuready Media did a ‘Colours of Navratri Contest’ Campaign for our employees on our Instagram page.

Post UGC Content

Post user-generated content on your page to drive engagement with your brand and help attract new followers. According to a data report, consumers find content generated by users 9.8 times more impactful than influencer content thus brands can incorporate them in their Instagram marketing strategy.

Use Product Tags

Product Tags is an Instagram Business account tool which lets you tag your product in the image such that it gets linked to your website. This shortens the user's journey from Instagram ( where nearly 500 Million users are active daily) to your product just a few clicks away. For an eCommerce brand, coupled with an Inspirational or Influencer post, this feature is the perfect way to build consumer’s interest around the product. Why so? - in a survey by sproutsocial, 65% of viewers visited the brand’s website after viewing the product on Instagram and 36% made a purchase.

Brands have also made use of the trends like “I want it, I got it” on Instagram to compel their users to buy from them entertainingly.


With this, we end our brief list of inspiration ideas for Instagram posts for brands in 2020. These can be single-handed posts or could even help you curate Instagram campaigns for your audience.